These Are the Best Foods For a Hangover

Photo by Christian Coquet on Unsplash

Eating when hungover is a different beast. Feeling tired, hurting, and maybe a bit nauseous, you don’t want to eat just any food. You want to eat hangover food.

Different people look for different qualities in hangover food. Some go the healthy route, almost like they’re asking their body for forgiveness for what they’d put it through the night before. Others prefer something greasy and substantial because it’s all they can stomach.

Whatever your preference, here are some of the best hangover foods.


Eggs are a super popular hangover food. Why? Well, on top of being delicious, they actually have amino acids that help your body create glutathione, an antioxidant that is naturally depleted by alcohol consumption.


Drinking makes you dehydrated, which can deplete your body of electrolytes like potassium. Bananas just happen to be one of the foods best known for having lots of potassium.


Another electrolyte your body needs after being dehydrated is sodium, AKA salt. Having a salty soup like miso or chicken noodle can get you some sodium while also providing liquid to help rehydrate.

Chips and Guacamole

If you’re more the type to prefer a greasy food post-hangover, you may want to opt for some chips and guac, which will give you plenty of sodium as well as potassium-rich avocado.