The Secrets Behind Chefs: “Mise en Place”

Image via sunnysidegreens/Instagram

Chefs have a tendency to make everything they make look clean and appetizing. When normal people, like us, try to do the same it usually looks like a mess. However, apparently there is a way to make everything look better in the kitchen: and it is called “Mise en Place,” which means “Everything in its Place.”

Mise en Place

The main secret is just to have everything ready before you start cooking. Peel and chop the vegetables, mince the garlic, season your meat, set all the necessary mixing bowls and tools out. It’s also easy to do when you’re having a big crowd over for dinner. You can just put everything in the pan before they arrive and no need to still take the time to wash and chop and season, and once they arrive, you can enjoy a glass of wine with them.

Clean Up

After you have prepared some stuff, you can start cleaning up the cutting boards, knives, some mixing bowls, minimizing the dishes at the end of the meal.

Looks easy and fun to do, right? Now let’s try it.