These Healthy Snacks Will Boost Your Immune System

In addition to wearing a mask and washing your hands, there are certain foods that can boost your body’s immune system. Certain snacks can provide antioxidants to your body this season and these are the ones you should be eating.

Apple and Pumpkin Seed Butter

Apples are in season and they contain antioxidants that will help the body balance inflammation and keep your gut healthy. Pair apples with pumpkin seed butter which has zinc and magnesium, minerals that will help you stay healthy.

Bell Peppers and Hummus

Red bell peppers contain twice the amount of vitamin C as oranges. Vitamin C supports the immune system and hummus is high in zinc, leading to a tasty, nutritious snack.

Butternut Squash Fries

Instead of having chips, make butternut squash fries by cutting the squash into slices and brushing them with oil before baking them in the oven at 425 F for 40 minutes. Butternut squash has carotenoids that the body converts to vitamin A.

Tea and Dark Chocolate

Next time you’re hungry, sip on some tea. Black and green tea contain L-theanine, an amino acid that helps decrease stress. Pair it with dark chocolate, which is high in antioxidants.

Yogurt and Honey

Plain Greek yogurt is high in probiotics, which keeps your gut healthy and supports your immune system. To make it a bit sweeter, add a bit of honey on top which is rich in antioxidants.