Fruits and Veggies About to Go Bad? Here’s How to Extend the Life of Them

While it’s important to load up on fruits and veggies this time of year, fresh produce is expensive and it often goes to waste. If you’re tired of throwing away fruits and veggies, read on for how to make the most of your produce.

Stock Up and Store

To extend their shelf life, keep produce that releases ethylene gas separate. Storing fresh produce in your fridge will slow down how quickly they ripen and it will extend the life of them.


After the produce has reached its peak ripeness and you know you won’t be able to use it all before it goes bad, freeze it in batches. Before freezing, wash the fruit and veggies and slice it before arranging it on a parchment-lined baking sheet and placing it in the freezer.


Transform fruit into sauces, compotes, and jams by simmering them down. For a fruit compote, simmer the fruit with maple syrup.


Make smoothies, fruit pops, soups, and salad dressings with ripe fruits and veggies. You’ll be saving money while being able to control what goes into your foods.

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Смути не е перфектният вариант за междинно хранене, но определено е добра алтернатива, когато търсиш нещо лесно и здравословно за приготвяне. Стига да подбереш съставките внимателно и да не прекаляваш с грамажите, вкусното смути ще бъде чудесно допълнение към твоя хранителен режим. Ето и една от най-хубавите рецепти за полезно смути, която ви съветвам да пробвате: 🍓Съставки: • 1 нарязан банан • 1 чашка ягоди, разрязани на четвъртинки • 2 с.л. овесени ядки (20гр.) • кокосово или бадемово мляко – 100мл • 1 супена лъжица мед • канела на вкус 🍓Начин на приготвяне: Достатъчно е да сложите всички съставки в блендера и да ги блендирате до получаването на хомогенна смес. Ако искате да направите смутито по-питателно и да набавите на тялото си още хранителни вещества, прибавете 1/4 чашки орехи. • • • • • #healthylifestyle #healthyfood #healthyrecipes #healthcare #healthybreakfast #healthymorning #smoothie #strawberry #nature #goodbreakfast #healthydessert #healthybodyhealthymindhappylife #healthydrinks #fruitsmoothie #strawberrymilk

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Fruits and veggies are a great way to sweeten baked goods naturally and they’re rich in fiber. Go ahead and use your bananas to make banana bread or use sweet potatoes to sweeten brownies.