This Basic Salsa Packs A Punch

Photo by Three Bunnies on Unsplash

Salsa actually just means sauce in Spanish, but the way that Tex Mex cuisine has interpreted it is, unless specified, a smooth or chunky tomato-based condiment. Making your own at home is a perfect way to use up those summer tomatoes and could not be easier. Here is the perfect recipe that you’ll use over and over again.

Pro Tips

  1. Using a food processor saves you so much time rather than cutting everything by hand, especially hot roasted vegetables.
  2. Adding a pinch of sugar brings out the brightness in the tomatoes even though it sounds bizarre.


  1. Cut up tomatoes, and onions into roughly the same size. Peel a few garlic cloves and put them to the side.
  2. Put the tomatoes and onions on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Drizzle over olive oil and salt. Bake until the veggies start to get some color.
  3. A few minutes before they’re done, put in the garlic cloves.
  4. Pull everything out of the oven and let cool slightly.
  5. In a food processor, put in a jalapeno pepper, lime juice, cilantro, the roasted veggies, salt, and pepper.
  6. Process the mixture as much as you want depending on how chunky you like your salsa.
  7. Cool and keep in an airtight container for up to 3 days.