This Hot Cocoa Recipe is Simple But Perfect

Hot Chocolate
Photo by Ecrin/Pexels

When it comes to making hot cocoa, it can be super easy to just grab that hot cocoa packet and add hot water or milk. We’ve got nothing against that, but what if you want something better? There are other routes you can take, and we’re about to share one with you that’s absolutely delicious. By investing a little extra effort, you can elevate your hot cocoa experience, and here’s how to do it.

Buy Quality Dark Chocolate

Go to your local store and select your preferred brand of dark chocolate. Once you’ve decided and brought it home, break the chocolate into bite-sized pieces to prepare it for the next step.

Boil the Milk

In a small saucepan over medium heat, gently warm your milk until it reaches a gentle boil. Once your milk begins to bubble, add the dark chocolate pieces into the mix. Keep stirring as you go to ensure a smooth mixture, getting rid of all possible clumps of chocolate.

The Final Step

Eventually, your concoction should turn a shade of brown, and this means that you’re basically done. Steadily pour your newly made drink into a mug. Once you taste it, you’ll notice that it’s much richer and creamier than your standard hot cocoa packets. Enjoy!