This Simple Disposable Piping Bag Hack Will Make Your Life a Lot Easier

Piping Bags
Photo by Jill Wellington/Pexels

Disposable piping bags do a great job of helping you decorate your muffins and cakes. But using them can be a lot more complicated than most people expect. 

To use a disposable piping bag, you need to cut the top in order to mount the metal tip that will allow the icing to go through in a uniform way. However, that is easier said than done. Cut the piping bag too high, and you won’t be able to use it. Cut it too low, and the icing won’t get through.

Luckily, there is a simple hack that will allow you to cut the top of the disposable piping bag perfectly each time and make your life a lot easier.

Disposable Piping Bag Hack

This disposable piping bag hack was showcased on TikTok by user @cakesbyemilyk. In a video posted earlier this year, the TikToker can be seen placing the metal tip inside the piping bag and pushing it down until it falls into place. They then use scissors to cut the piping bag around the tip. It works like a charm.

Some TikTok users were worried that this method could ruin the metal tip, but there is a simple way to work around that. Just make the markings on the outside of the piping bag, take the metal tip out, and then snip the top.