This Simple Trick Means You Can Get Perfect Rice Every Time

Photo by Fox on Pexels

Getting perfect rice every time is a really important cooking skill to learn, and it can be trickier than it might sound! There are many methods, some of which involve rice cookers or other cooking tech, but with this trick, you can get amazing rice without any other kit. Here is a simple trick to get perfect rice every time.

Wash Your Rice

For this method, it’s best to use basmati rice. Washing your rice is a very important step to ensure you get crisp and separated grains rather than a sticky mess. For some dishes, sticky rice is desired, which makes washing less important. For now, you will want to wash your rice in cold water and wash it with your hand before draining the water. Repeat this at least three times, or until the water runs clear.

Bring It To Boil

Next, you can lightly salt your rice to add a bit of flavor. Add twice as much water to your rice ratio, and bring it to a boil with a lid on from cold. This is where the twist happens; as soon as your rice is bubbling, turn off your hob and leave your rice resting not on the heat. It is really important not to take your lid off now as you will let lots of heat out.

Leave To Stand

With your rice resting on the side, and the lid on at all times, you can now relax and set a timer for 40 minutes. During this time, you can prepare the rest of your meal or do something else. The water in the rice will gradually evaporate over the 40 minutes and you will be left with perfect rice, every time!