Three Foods You Definitely Want to Try in Buenos Aires

Food hacks
Image by Дарья Яковлева from Pixabay

Hola! Have you ever had the pleasure of traveling to the bustling city of Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina? If you have, you are undoubtedly familiar with the city’s fantastic culinary scene.

Argentinian food isn’t well-known outside of the country itself, but the truth is that there are tons of delicious dishes to try. Here are three that you must check out during your next trip to Buenos Aires.


Asado is one of the cornerstones of Argentinian food and culture. If you find yourself in Buenos Aires, you should definitely seek out the opportunity to enjoy Asado, which isn’t just about food. While the delicious grilled meats are the centerpiece of Asado, the conversation and fraternity of the experience are also paramount.


Milanesas might be more well-known because of the Italian version of the dish, but Argentina puts its own spin on this breaded meat specialty. The large number of Italian immigrants in the city adapted to the beef-centric culture of the country and started making their own version with beef. Yum.

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SUPREMA A LA SUIZA CON MOSTACHOLES PROVENZAL! . Milanesa + fideos, que noble combinación 😚 . #RECETA . 1️⃣Pará la suprema. Pechuga de pollo abierta tipo mariposa, para que quede más grande y menos gruesa. Apanado clasico: -Harina. -Huevada (huevo + abundante sal y pimienta + perejil fresco picado + ajo picado) . Apanar y freír o horno. . Vamos a cocinar hasta que ya estén casi listas, la segunda coccion se hace en el horno con la salsa. . 2️⃣Para la salsa: -Salsa blanca: Arrancamos derritiendo 100 gr de manteca en una olla, luego sumamos 100 gr de harina hasta que se forme una pasta (roux) y Agregamos 600 cc de leche aproximadamente, siempre revolviendo con batidor para que no se formen grumos. Salpimentar. . 3️⃣Una vez que tenemos los dos pasos anteriores listos vamos a armar en placa de horno: La suprema cocida, la salsa blanca por encima, abundante muzzarella, queso rallado y un toque de queso azul. Horno bien caliente 200° hasta gratinar. . 4️⃣Pará la pasta: Precocinamos los mostacholes al Dente, cortamos coccion con agua fría. Dejamos en bowl con un poco de aceite para que no se nos peguen. . En una sarten grande vamos a Saltear ajo en abundante aceite de oliva, Agregamos los mostacholes, sarteneamos, retiramos del fuego y sumamos puñado generoso de perejil fresco. . Servir y disponerse a ser 😊. . #HoyCocinoYo #Receta #Cocina #RecetaFacil #CocinaCasera #Milanesa #Suprema

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Empanadas are a big deal in Buenos Aires. Either oven-baked or fried, these pastries are filled with beef, chicken, ham, and even a corn-based mixture. They often also contain onion, olives, and even hard-boiled eggs. They’re a perfect snack or mid-day pick-me-up.