Follow These Tips to Brew a Perfect Cup of Tea

Image by Alisher Sharip on Unplash

Brewing hot tea might seem like a simple proposition. You take a bit of tea, either in a bag or loose-leaf, introduce it into hot water, wait for a few minutes, and voila, you have a cup of tea.

What if e told you, however, that the process is a little bit more complicated and involved if you want to make a good cup of tea?

Here are some tips that will help you brew a cup of tea that the Queen of England herself would approve of.

Know Your Water Temperatures

Different teas require different water temperatures if you want a well-balanced, and most importantly, unburned product. Black teas should be brewed just under the boiling point, while green and white teas should be brewed between 150 and 175 degrees Fahrenheit. This is key for brewing good tea.

Brew Time is Important

You should really be careful not to steep your tea for too short or too long of a time as well. Instead of just leaving your tea bag in the water until you remember to take it out, use about 4 to 5 minutes for black tea and 3 to 4 minutes for white and green teas for optimal, non-bitter results.

Master the Tea to Water Ratio

If you are using a typical tea bag, it’s important to use around 8 ounces of water if you want your mug of tea to turn out tasty. Using loose leaf tea? Well, you’ll want to use about one teaspoon per eight ounces.