Three Great Ideas for Using Mango

Photo by HOTCHICKSING on Unsplash

Mango is one of or favorite fruits. This succulent, tropical treasure is a versatile ingredient that can be used in sweet dishes, drinks, and even some savory recipes.

Here are three great ideas for using mango that you can implement in your kitchen the next time you pick one up at the market!

Mango Lassis

This mango and yogurt drink, originating from the country of India, is one te best ways ways to use the fruit. All you need is mango, milk, yogurt, and a bit of cardamom in order to make this delicious treat.

Dried Mango

Mango is a fruit that lends itself very well to being dried. This keeps mango usable for many months, turning it into a portable, sweet snack that you can enjoy for months after purchasing the fruit!

Mango Salsa

Mango salsa is an amazing twist on a normal serving of salsa. Instead of using tomato, mango is used as the base, creating a slightly sweet and savory topping that is perfect for tacos and nachos alike!