Try These Ingredients in Your Next Burrito!

Photo by Rodolfo Magallanes on Unsplash

Burritos are a versatile foods. Why is this? Well, you can create all kinds of flavor combinations, always Mexican-inspired, as you add the ingredients that you like to this delicious kitchen favorite.

Here are three ingredients that you absolutely must try in a burrito sooner or later.

Potatoes and Eggs

Breakfast burritos are always a popular choice, and you can turn any type of burrito that you like into a morning favorite by adding fried potatoes and eggs. You can use any type of meat or other fillings that you want, combining them with these traditional breakfast ingredients to make a wake-up treat.


One ingredient that is criminally underused in burritos is chorizo. This spicy Mexican sausage is richer and spicier meat than most of the traditional options that people add to their burritos, and it adds an authentic Mexican touch to the meal that originated from their culture.

Stewed Tofu

Are you a vegan or a vegetarian and find yourself frustrated with the lack of options in burritos? Instead of opting for boring refried beans or an all-vegetable burrito, how about trying stewed tofu? Cook the tofu low and slow with Mexican spices and you’ll be amazed at the flavor burst that it adds.