Three Ways To Eat Cheese Scones

Cheese Scones
Photo by Adam Bartoszewicz on Unsplash

Scones are a traditional British food, somewhere between a bread and a cake. There are many recipes for savory, cheesy scones online, but once you’ve made a batch, you may be wondering what to do with all of these scones. Don’t worry, this article will give you three ideas which are tasty, easy, and quick.

Cheese Scone Sandwich

Treat your scone like bread, and slice it in half horizontally. Fill with fresh salad leaves, pickles, perhaps even a slice of extra cheese! This will make a quick snack or lunch, and the scone is a nice change from bread.

Cheese Scone Soup

Crumble a scone over your favorite soup, and you won’t need to dip bread into it. The cheese scone will soak up all those fantastic flavors, and adds an interesting texture to the soup.

Cheese Scone Pie Topping

If you’ve got all the ingredients to make a pie, but can’t be bothered to make the pastry, why not crumble cheese scones over the pie filling? Grate over a little extra cheese, to hold everything together, and you have the world’s easiest pie in next to no time.

These delightful British snacks can be treated in a variety of ways, so if you’ve got some going spare why not whip up a soup or pie mix to accompany them?