Tips for Making the Perfect Cheese Board

Making the perfect cheese board
Image by pen_ash from Pixabay

Assembling the perfect cheese board may sound intimidating for beginners, but it’s actually much easier than it seems. Here are a few simple tips for building a colorful and appealing cheese board that your guests will love.

Variety Of Cheeses

Obviously, cheese is the most important food you will serve on the board.  That’s why you want to include a variety of quality cheeses, including soft, hard, and semi-soft cheeses. This is a simple way to give your guests more options and make the board prettier.

Slice It Up

Presentation is key when making a cheeseboard and that’s why you want to slice your hard cheeses, meat, veggies, or fruits into various shapes so they look more appealing.

Add Color

The easiest way to add color to the cheese board is by using veggies and fruits. Carrots, broccoli, tomatoes, mini peppers, cucumbers, olives, or kiwi are some of the tastiest fruits and veggies to add to your board.

Don’t Forget The Dips

Last but not least, place a few small bowls on the board and use them for serving dips such as ranch dip, jam, salsa, hummus, or honey.