Things You Shouldn’t Put Down the Drain

Kitchen sink
Photo by Callum Hill on Unsplash

How we dispose of our food waste is more important than people think, and not just in terms of saving the environment. Flushing certain food scraps down the drain could cause serious damage and cost you a lot of time and money, so here are a few things you should always toss in the trash instead.

Coffee Grounds

Coffee grounds are actually great for eliminating bad odors from the kitchen sink, but they can also clog the pipes if you’re constantly putting them down the garbage disposal. There are plenty of ways to reuse old coffee grounds or you can simply compost them.

Grease and Oil

It’s a well-known fact that pouring grease and oil down the drain is a terrible idea.  The best way to dispose of oil, grease, or fat is to put them in a container and only then you can throw them away.

Rice and Pasta

Rice or pasta can easily go down your kitchen drain, but make sure to avoid this scenario. The problem with these foods is that they can swell up in the water and easily clog the pipes, so it’s best to toss them in the trash.


Eggshells can easily stick to the pipes and cause drain blockages, so make sure to keep them far away from the kitchen sink.