Top 3 Tips For Taking Your Grilled Veggies to the Next Level

Grilled veggies tips
Photo by Edgar Castrejon on Unsplash

No vegan barbeque is complete without grilled vegetables, but getting them just right is easier said than done. If you feel like your grilled veggies are missing something, try taking them to the next level with these three tips.

Slice Them Right

Before putting your veggies on the grill, it’s important to slice them, and the way you do this makes all the difference. Different types of vegetables require different slicing techniques, and if you make the right choice it will be much easier to grill your healthy veggies.

Pairing Your Veggies

Another thing you should keep in mind about grilling vegetables is that they require different grilling times. It’s crucial to pair similar types of veggies together – soft and hard vegetables should be grilled separately if you want them to be done around the same time.

Don’t Forget Oil

It’s common for people to skip oil when grilling their veggies, but a light coating of oil goes a long way. This ingredient allows your salt, paper, and other seasonings to stick to your veggies and prevents them from drying out quickly.