Succulent Cakes Are the Latest Trend

Photo by David Holifield on Unsplash

It seems like TikTok and Instagram have new icing trends for cakes every month. Some of these stick around, like the mirrored glaze on cakes while others fade into the past, like geode cakes. However, the latest cake and cupcake trend is the succulent cake.

What Is It?

Succulents are plants that are found in arid or dry climates, and tend to have very thick fleshy parts. For example, the aloe plant has long fleshy parts that contain a gel. These fleshy parts have been designed to retain water, as rainfall can be pretty sparse in the desert. These green plants are now the model being used to adorn cakes and cupcakes.

How The Icing Is Done

Cake decorators use fondant, which has been dyed different shades of green to form the fleshy succulent part of the plant. The cake itself tends to be iced with white buttercream, to give it the appearance of a modern pot.

Multiple little succulents are then placed on top of the cake to make it look like a small garden. The overall look is very beautiful, and it makes us not want to eat the cake. Next time you’re looking for icing inspiration, consider trying out this trend.