Trying to Eat Less Meat? Follow These Tips

Photo by José Ignacio Pompé on Unsplash

Cutting down on meat or cutting it out entirely may seem like an impossible or overwhelming thing to do. However, this transition is easier than you think if you break down this goal into smaller steps. Here are a few easy ways to eat less meat in the future.

Plan Ahead

Changing your eating habits, such as deciding to eat less meat, usually requires some planning. Take some time to look up new recipes online, make a meal plan for the week and then go shopping for groceries. Stocking up on fresh veggies and fruits will help you prepare healthy meatless meals during the week.

Start With One Meatless Meal

Setting realistic goals is important if you want to achieve your goals and not end up getting disappointed. It’s unreasonable to think you can cut down or stop eating meat overnight, so start by preparing only one meatless meal in a day.

Enjoy Breakfast

Breakfast is probably the easiest meal to make meatless, so start by preparing a nutritious breakfast using only healthy ingredients. It’s great to load up on veggies first thing in the morning by enjoying a healthy salad meal or smoothie. Other great meatless breakfast ideas include scrambled eggs, oatmeal, granola, or pancakes.