Unhealthy Morning Habits That Can Ruin Your Day

Breakfast. Start your day off right.
Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

Healthy morning habits can set the tone for a happy day and help maximize your productivity. But some of them are sabotaging your day. Here are some poor morning habits you should quit in order to start your day off right.

Skipping Breakfast

A regular eating schedule is a great ways to boost metabolism and maintain a healthy weight, so make sure not to skip meals. Eating a healthy breakfast is the best way to start your day off right and boost energy first thing in the morning.

Drinking Sugary Drinks

Filling up on sugar first thing in the morning is a quick way to boost energy, but it can make you moody and anxious in the long run. That’s why it’s best to drink plenty of water in the morning and to avoid drinking sugary drinks, or adding sugar to your tea, coffee and smoothies.

Not Eating Enough Protein

Protein-rich foods such as Greek yogurt, avocado, cheese or eggs are great breakfast foods because they’ll give you enough energy and keep you full until lunch.

Looking at Your Phone

Most people reach for their phone while they’re still in bed, but try not to spend your morning glued to the phone. Use this time to prepare for the day, listen to music, or spend a few minutes with your family instead of checking your inbox and notifications.