Unique Ways to Use Baking Soda in the Kitchen

Baking Soda
Photo by Kaboompics .com/Pexels

The primary role of baking soda is to serve as a leavening agent and cause your dough and batter to rise. However, this is just the beginning. You can employ baking soda in a number of other ways and make your life in the kitchen a lot easier. Check them out below.

To Clean Kitchen Surfaces

Most of you are probably aware that baking soda can be used to clean almost anything. Just mix it with a bit of water to make a paste and then apply it to stovetops, tiles, or inside your kitchen appliances. Give it a good scrub and rinse it with water or wipe it with a wet towel. It should be spotless.

To Make Chewy Bagels

Baking soda will give your bagels just the right amount of chewy. Simply add one tablespoon of baking soda to a pot of water and boil your bagels in it before baking. You will be surprised by the results.

To Make Beans Less Gassy

If you avoid eating beans because they give you gases, baking soda can help. You can add it to the water that you soak your dry beans, and it will reduce the levels of complex sugar called raffinose. Beans contain large amounts of raffinose, which releases gases while your body breaks them down. As a bonus, the beans will cook faster.

To Make Crispy Baked Potatoes

You can also make the crispiest baking potatoes with the help of baking soda. Boil the potatoes in a mixture of water and baking soda before baking them. The baking soda will make the surface of the potato extra starchy, which will result in added crispiness.