Valerian Root Tea Can Help You Sleep

Some of us have trouble sleeping, but don’t want to take sleeping pills. Nature has provided a solution with valerian root. This flowering plant is native to Europe and Asia and it has some amazing properties that aid with sleep. In fact, it has been such a successful natural sleep aid, that people have used it for hundreds of years.

There are two specific acids found in valerian root that have a sedative-like effect: valerenic acid and isovaleric acid. These acids work with gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a chemical found in our brains. High levels of GABA are what make you feel calm and in some cases sleepy. Valerian root helps to stop GABA from breaking down, which means you won’t experience the low levels that make sleeping hard.

There are a lot of great valerian root or “sleepy time” teas that you can drink for bed. Drinking tea itself tends to have a calming effect because sipping hot water slowly is a form of relaxation. The valerian root within teas from Yogi Tea or Pukka Tea, for example, will simply aid in putting you to sleep.

Next time you can’t sleep, grab a nice cup of tea!