Vegan Bacon is Showing Up Everywhere—And Here’s How to Make It

Fake bacon
Image via Boyrcr420/Depositphotos

Plant-based alternatives of everyone’s favorite comfort foods have been ruling the vegan world for quite some time. Vegan bacon is 100% a thing right now, and there are many different ways to make it. If you want to give it a try, here are some of the most delicious ideas.

Eggplant Bacon

Eggplant can be transformed into plant-based alternatives of many popular comfort foods thanks to its versatility—including bacon. By slicing the eggplant into thin strips, you can easily use it to replicate the shape, color, and texture of bacon, and it tastes just as good as the real thing.

Mushroom Bacon

Mushrooms are one of the most popular meat substitutes in the vegan world, and it’s not hard to see why. There are so many varieties out there that it’s pretty easy to find one that suits you. Bake them until they reach a crunchy and crispy texture, and you’ll get the best plant-based alternative to tiny bacon pieces.

Tempeh Bacon

Just like many plant-based meat alternatives, tempeh is made from soy—fermented soybeans, to be exact. It’s especially popular when it comes to making vegan bacon because it comes really close to the real thing and you can use it in many different plant-based dishes.