Vegan Foods Naturally High in Iron

Photo by Nathan Nugent on Unsplash

The vegan diet is becoming more and more popular as many people become more aware of its benefits. However, you do need to think more about certain essential elements of your diet and iron is one of those. But not to worry, there are plenty of accessible sources of this mineral.


This leafy green is one of those superfoods, as it’s packed with vitamins and minerals. It’s also delicious, and easy to include in so many ways. You can use it raw as a base for a salad or in sandwiches, or add it to soups, stews, curries, pasta dishes, and so much more. 


Tofu is incredibly popular with vegetarians and vegans, for good reason. Not only is it versatile and delicious, but it’s also high in protein and iron which are especially useful for vegans. Again, there are endless ways to include this tasty ingredient, such as sandwich fillings, stir-fries, and curries. 


Another staple of the vegetarian and vegan diet, as it’s another great source of protein. Lentils are also high in iron and can be used in a huge variety of meals. Try making a simple dahl, or using them in a bolognese.