What Influences the Taste of Honey?

Photo by Hasan Almasi on Unsplash

Honey is a wonderfully virtual tool in the kitchen that can be used to add sweetness to all kinds of dishes. It can be easy to not think much about how honey gets its delicious taste or how some batches can differ from others, but it is a part of the draw of this natural sweetener. So, what influences the taste of honey? Here are three factors that play a role.

Foraging Plants

One of the most important ways that honey’s flavor can be altered is by the type of vegetation that surrounds the bees that produce it. Certain flowers produce pollen that results in honey with sweeter notes, while others give it a more neutral taste.

Seasons of the Year

Did you know that the season in which your honey was collected can influence how it tastes? Honey’s taste is largely determined by plants, which bloom at different points throughout the year. For example, a fall honey will be richer and sweeter, while a summer honey will be lighter.

Raw vs. Regular

Raw honey has become more and more popular recently as an alternative to the “processed” version that is more commonly found in stores. While we all know the taste of regular honey, raw honey is funkier and has more complex flavors because no pollen or enzymes have been removed.