Where You Might Be Consuming Too Much Sugar

Photo by Jo Sonn on Unsplash

We all know that sugar is one of the most unhealthy substances you can put in your body, but the danger goes even deeper than that. Not only is sugar unhealthy, but it often hides itself in plain sight where we least expect it. Here are three areas where you may be consuming more sugar than you realize.

Regular Fruit

So there’s this idea that healthy sugar is better than artificial sugar, and that’s obviously true. But people hear this and then go overboard with their consumption of natural sugars, such as when they’re eating fruit. Fruit are healthy in moderation, but too much isn’t good for you because of all the sugars they contain.

Fruit Juices

Since we’re all about fruit right now, let’s discuss fruit juices such as orange juice or apple juice. If you go for the store-bought variety, you’re dealing with organic sugars and also added sugars, making it truly an unhealthy drink. This is contrary to what people believe when they drink it excessively, because they associate fruit with good nutrition.

Frequent Coffees

The thing about adding occasional spoonful of sugar to your coffee is that it never feels like a lot in the moment. But when you add up all of those coffee breaks together, you have yourself a series of sugar highs that can’t be good.