Why Yogurt is the Universal Condiment

Yogurt benefits
Photo by Sara Cervera on Unsplash

Plain yogurt is eaten alongside many different dishes all over the world. In fact, it’s something of a culinary chameleon, given that it can be combined with also anything and still taste good. Plus, it is very nutritious. Here’s why plain yogurt is the universal condiment.

Cooling Taste

Because it is cool and refreshing (and dairy), plain yogurt is often eaten with spicy curry in India and the surrounding region. It can help null the heat of the spicy peppers used in this food. In the Mediterranean, a common breakfast is fresh veggies dipped in plain yogurt. And in the west, plain yogurt with a bit of sweetener, granola, and fruit is a common breakfast.

Health Benefits

Yogurt is rich in many important nutrients. It has protein, calcium, and probiotics, so it can help with muscle and bone strength and digestion as well as giving you energy for the day. This makes it a great way to up the health factor of any meal.

Great for Cooking

Finally, plain yogurt is an essential ingredient within many recipes. Spicing it to use as a chicken marinade will make your chicken tender and tasty when cooked. Adding grated veggies and spices for a classic raita or tzatziki sauce is a great way to top any meal. Plain yogurt is truly a one of a kind food.