The Simple Trick to Perfectly Thin-Sliced Vegetables

Veggie slicing tips
Photo by Katie Smith on Unsplash

Do you ever need to cut your vegetables into very thin strips but you’re not sure how to do it? Sometimes, a knife can’t give you the delicacy and precision required for such a task. You need a trick up your sleeve, and here it is.

The Trick

The trick is to use your peeler. Just as you would peel the skin off an apple or a carrot, you can keep using that peeling motion to get beautifully thin, uniform strips of produce. These are great for a number of different uses. Use varying pressure to control the thickness: more pressure will give you thicker strips, while less pressure will make your veggie strips thinner.

Raw Veggies

You can use this technique on anything from carrots to cucumbers to apples to jicama. The crunchy strips you’ll get are perfect for spring rolls, garnishing a salad, or mixing into a slaw. The ribbons you create will curl and have a lovely translucent quality from being so thin. They’re a great way to add some decoration to a dish if you are trying to dress it up as well.

For Cooking

For something cooked, try using this technique on potatoes or sweet potatoes and then frying or baking to create homemade potato chips. Try this out with other root vegetables too for a whole veggie chip mix.