Why You Should Add Macadamia Nut Milk To Your Smoothies

Photo by Content Pixie on Unsplash

There are a lot of vegan kinds of milk to choose from these days. Almond, cashew, oat, and rice milk are just a few. There is one new type of milk though, which is quickly getting a lot of fans—Macadamia Milk.

What’s Macadamia Milk

This vegan milk made from macadamia nuts is not only delicious but also incredibly healthy. It only has two ingredients, macadamia nuts and filtered water. To make the milk, the macadamias are soaked overnight and then blended with the water to create a creamy white milk. But, other than tasting great, why is macadamia milk something you should add to your smoothies?

Health Benefits

Macadamia nut milk has a higher concentration of omega fatty acids, in particular 3 and 6 which are great for maintaining overall health. They may even help lower the risk of dementia and arthritis in the body. There is also a lot of magnesium and manganese, which are vitamins our bodies need on a daily basis.

Adding macadamia milk to your morning smoothies will give you even more of the vitamins and nutrients that your body needs. If you want to spice up your smoothies, add in some berries with the milk for an antioxidant and omega cocktail.