Why You Should Add These Nuts to Your Diet

Photo by Tom Hermans on Unsplash

Some people cannot imagine their lives without nuts, while others are fearful to eat them because of their high-fat content. Although this is true, the unsaturated fat within nuts is really beneficial to your body because they help lower bad cholesterol. This among other reasons is why nuts are so important to have in your diet, so try to incorporate these and others every day!


Macadamia nuts are a great snack to have if you don’t feel like you can make it to your next meal. They are high in vitamin B-6 and are very low in carbohydrates. You can blitz them up in a food processor and sprinkle over grilled fruit for a healthy, sweet, and a filling snack or dessert.


Walnuts are wonderful because they are really high in vitamin E which helps keep your skin young, firm, and healthy. They also contain melatonin, which is a hormone that makes us feel sleepy. If you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, try eating some walnuts before bedtime.


Pistachios are one of the lowest calorie nuts, while still being high in vitamin B-6 and potassium. Eat these if you are calorie counting but want something nutritious and filling.