Why You Should Limit Your Intake of White Bread

White bread
Photo by Polina Tankilevitch on Pexels

Not that many people in the world give too much thought over the bread that they eat on any given day. Sure, there are those who request whole wheat, and others who swear off bread altogether. But so many others don’t give it a second thought because bread is usually just “there”. However, white bread, although it might taste delicious, is something you might want to limit in your diet for some very good reasons.

Refined Grains

White bread is a common staple for many of us, but it’s often made from refined grains. These grains have lost many of their natural nutrients during processing, meaning that you miss out on some of the good stuff that whole grains provide.

Not Good For Blood Sugar

Another thing to consider is that white bread can cause your blood sugar to spike. This can leave you feeling tired and hungry again shortly after eating, which is not ideal. In the same vein, too much white bread can lead to weight gain. It’s not as filling as whole-grain bread, so you might eat more without realizing it. For these reasons, limiting your intake of white bread is not only smart, but it some cases it’s essential!