Why You Should Use Loose-Leaf Tea

Loose-Leaf Tea
Photo by Marisa Harris on Unsplash

Tea is a hugely popular drink all around the world. There is an endless variety of types of tea and numerous ways to drink it. Whether you enjoy a classic black tea with a dash of milk or are more into your herbal and aromatic teas, there is likely to be a tea out there for everyone. Tea bags are of course practical and enjoyable, but to take things to the next level here’s why you should try using loose-leaf.

It Tastes Amazing

There’s no denying that the taste of freshly brewed tea leaves is incomparable to a standard tea bag. There’s so much more depth to the flavors and you can really taste the delicate aromas and subtle hints of the leaves. 

It’s Less Wasteful 

Biodegradable tea bags are a great invention, but they still produce waste and require energy and resources to be produced. And many tea bags are not yet biodegradable. Removing the tea bag from the equation eliminates this issue.

It’s Aesthetically Pleasing

This might seem like a silly reason, but food and drink are often a multisensory experience, and having a teapot with tea leaves brewing in can add some extra joy to your tea ritual. It’s also great when making tea for a crowd.