You Have to Try Yukiko Tanzi’s Most Creative Bread Recipes

Many people discovered their love for bread baking this year and mastered their skills by experimenting with many different recipes. If you’re out of ideas, Yukiko Tanzi’s food blog Foodie Yuki is one of the best sources of inspiration that we came across.

Vegan Banana Bread

Start your bread baking journey with this 2020 classic. In addition to being 100% vegan, Tanzi’s banana bread is soft, fluffy, and super-easy to make.

Giraffe Bread

If you’ve already mastered the art of baking banana bread and you’re up for a bigger challenge, how about trying giraffe bread? It’s perfect for people who enjoy experimenting with different patterns and giving their bread a truly unique look.

Purple Twisted Bread

Speaking of bread with fun patterns, it doesn’t get much better than this purple sweet potato twisted bread, which owes its striking color to purple sweet potato powder.

Matcha Japanese Milk Bread

You can find many recipes for Japanese milk bread on Tanzi’s blog and this is one of her very best. It’s especially great if you enjoy matcha-based recipes since you’ll need matcha powder to achieve swirly green color.