3 Diets That Used to Be Popular but Nobody Relies on Them Anymore

Diets that aren't popular anymore
Photo by Christina Branco on Unsplash

Dieting is just as big a part of our culture as the food itself. For a long time, men and women have been trying specific diets in order to manipulate their weight and get healthier. While a good diet consists of healthy foods that promote good health, some diets only aim to help you lose weight without worrying about the consequences. Here are three popular diets from the past that aren’t so popular anymore.

The Cigarette Diet

Back in the 1920s, cigarettes were still considered an okay habit and the tobacco companies promoted smoking overeating sweets. The idea was to convince women to smoke when they want to snack so they’ll lose weight more effectively.

The Hollywood Diet

Many people follow what celebrities do, and that was the case with the Hollywood diet. It consisted of eating half a grapefruit three times a day, before a meal. And when Marilyn Monroe herself recommended it, many women followed.

The Cookie Diet

This one was very creative. Dr. Sanford Siegal urged people to consume low-fat cookies (you needed a prescription for them) that allegedly had a “hunger-controlling formula”. The catch? They cost $179.99 per month back in 1975! While on the regime, people were only allowed 500-700 calories of other food, which is completely unhealthy.