How to Follow a Mediterranean Diet on a Budget

Mediterranean diet
Photo by Jingxi Lau on Unsplash

Mediterranean cuisine is one of the most popular and healthiest in the world because it’s rich in fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, fish, and other healthy foods. Many of these foods can be expensive, but here are some easy tips that will help you follow a Mediterranean diet without spending a fortune on food.

Grow Your Own Herbs

Herbs are not that expensive, but they are a staple in Mediterranean cuisine and you’ll likely use them on a daily basis. Creating your small herb garden will save you some money, and you’ll always have fresh herbs on hand for creating tasty dishes.

Buy In Bulk

Canned produce, grains, nuts, and legumes are all staples in the Mediterranean diet, and these are all food we can buy in bulk. Buying these items in bulk will save you money on groceries and help you eat healthy on a budget.

Use Seasonal Produce

Buying fruits and veggies that are in season is an easy way to save money, but also to eat fresh produce every day.

Use Canned And Frozen Veggies

Canned food and frozen veggies are your best friends when it comes to preparing Mediterranean dishes on a budget. Using these foods will help you prepare tasty meals on a budget and enjoy your favorite veggies when they are not in season.