3 Fun Toppings to Spice Up Your Brie Cheese

Photo by Charlie Solorzano on Unsplash

Brie is a soft cow’s milk cheese from France which is commonly served as an appetizer after being baked in the oven and topped with different things.

This cheese is an acquired taste, and whether or not you and your guests will like it might depend on what exactly you top it with. So, what works well with Brie? Here are some suggestions.

Fruit Preserves

Fruit preserves, such as raspberry or blueberry, work great with Brie and pair up with the cheese’s earthy tones to create a more delicious combination. Serving it on top of wheat crackers is our favorite way to enjoy it.

Honey and Walnuts

Honey and walnuts taste delicious together and you will love how they enhance the flavor of a good piece of Brie. Don’t go crazy with the honey, which can make it too sweet. You want the nutty flavor of the walnuts to shine through too.

Fresh Herbs

If you like the flavor of Brie and don’t want to cover it up with too many other ingredients, enhancing it with fresh herbs is a great choice. I like drizzling it with a little bit of olive oil and then adding rosemary, basil, thyme, and sage.