Give These Hawaiian BBQ Classics a Try!

Image by Valeria Boltneva via Pexels

Have you ever tried Hawaiian BBQ before? This delicious cuisine, which has begun to spread as a popular choice outside of its island home, has all kinds of dishes that are worth sampling.

There are a few dishes that are emblematic of Hawaiian BBQ, and if you are looking to get a start on trying the best dishes this cuisine has to offer, be sure to give these three a try!

Kalua Pork

Shredded, slow-cooked pork is a staple in several cultures, and Hawaiian BBQ’s own version is also super tasty. An underground oven is used to smoke a pig with banana leaves and sea salt and is then shredded and served as the main protein in a meal.

Loco Moco

Loco Moco is a uniquely Hawaiian invention and serves its purpose as an inexpensive, delicious, and filling meal. Take white rice and top it with hamburger steak, brown gravy, and a fried egg and you have a classic dish that you will love.

Spam Musubi

Spam became popular in Hawaii after World War II and the state’s love for this unique canned pork lives on in the modern age as spam musubi. Similar in appearance to sushi, the spam is cooked with soy sauce and then wrapped with seaweed on top of a block of white sushi rice.