Photo by Christiann Koepke on Unsplash

One of the biggest obstacles that people face when making coffee drinks at home is the common piece of equipment that’s missing: a milk frother.

This tool, which is commonly found as an attachment to espresso machines, is key in warming up milk and getting it smooth, velvety, and frothed so that it can be added to make special coffee drinks.

But while many people assume that not having a milk frother at home prevents them from frothing milk, that actually isn’t true. There is a fool-proof way to do it as long as you have a saucepan, a jar with a tight lid, and a thermometer!

Here’s how

Step one: Place the amount of milk that you need for your drink and heat in a saucepan to the temperature that you need it to be for your drink. Use a thermometer to determine how hot the milk is.

Step two: Once it reaches the required temperature, pour the milk into a glass jar, and seal the lid tightly. Shake vigorously for 45 to 60 seconds or until the milk has expanded in size and small bubbles have formed. Add to the coffee, and enjoy!