3 Tips For Better Meal Planning

Meal planning
Photo by Merve on Pexels

Let’s talk about meal planning. Yes, we know, it might sound like something only super organized people do, but it’s easier than you think and can make a huge difference in your routine. Here are some tips to make the process easier. 

Start with a Weekly Template

Creating a weekly meal plan template is the foundation. Begin by deciding the meals you need to plan for—whether it’s just dinners or all three meals plus snacks – and sketch out a basic template for the week. This doesn’t mean you need to rigidly stick to it, but having a framework helps guide your planning. Having go-to recipes that you enjoy and can prepare easily can also help the process. 

Make Smart Use of Ingredients

To maximize efficiency and minimize waste, plan meals that use overlapping ingredients. This strategy can simplify shopping and reduce costs. For example, prepare larger quantities of roasted vegetables, cooked grains, or grilled chicken, that can be used in different meals throughout the week.

Leverage Technology for Efficiency

There are many apps and online tools that can streamline the meal planning process. Utilize these resources to organize your plans, generate shopping lists, and even find recipe inspiration. Check out Mealime, Paprika, and Yummly to start.