Hash browns
Photo by Jeremy Boley on Unsplash

There’s nothing quite like a plate of crispy and golden hashbrowns to kickstart your day. These humble yet delicious potato creations can give a warm and heartfelt feeling to your breakfast. And to make sure they are absolutely flawless, here are three easy tips. 

Properly Prepare Your Potatoes

The foundation of great hashbrowns is in your choice of potatoes and how you prepare them. Opt for starchy potatoes like russets. They crisp up nicely during the cooking process.  After grating, it’s also important to squeeze out any excess moisture. Again, this will help them get crispy. 

Season Thoughtfully

Season your grated potatoes generously with salt and pepper, but don’t stop there. You can enhance the taste with various herbs and spices, like paprika, garlic powder, or even a pinch of cayenne for a little kick. Feel free to get creative and experiment!

Perfect the Cooking Technique

Allow the hashbrowns to cook undisturbed for a few minutes in a well-buttered pan. Cook until the underside becomes golden brown and crispy. Flip them over using a wide spatula to maintain their shape, and let the other side cook to perfection. Remember, patience is key – resist the urge to stir frequently. This can actually prevent that desirable crispiness from forming.