National Leftovers Day: A Tasty Solution to Holiday Food Waste

Leftover sandwich
Photo by Engin Akyurt on Unsplash

By the end of the holiday season, many households find themselves throwing away the surplus of festive feasts that tend to accumulate in the refrigerator, which can’t be good for the planet (or your growling stomach). That’s where National Leftovers Day comes to the rescue! This spectacular day is a concept embraced in Australia for over a decade now, which was recently adopted in the UK, too, courtesy of Aldi Scotland’s initiative in 2022.

Launched in 2009 by the nonprofit organization DoSomething! in Australia, National Leftovers Day serves as a much-needed reminder of the $8 billion worth of food tossed into the bins Down Under annually. With the holiday season contributing significantly to this food waste, Australians are encouraged to view their leftovers not as a burden but as a mouthwatering opportunity.

The idea behind National Leftovers Day is simple: Save money and contribute to environmental sustainability by savoring every last bite of the scrumptious dishes served on holiday tables.

In Australia, National Leftovers Day falls on December 26, also known as Boxing Day; and in the UK, it falls on December 27, a single day after. This strategic timing allows families to turn their attention from the chaos of Christmas to a more laid-back enjoyment, dining on still-yummy remnants of the holiday feast. Whether it’s reheating the turkey, ham, or goose, paired with mashed potatoes and gravy, these flavors are sure to rekindle and elongate the Christmas spirit.

Love Your Leftovers!

So, what can you do to partake in this important initiative, even if it isn’t officially recognized in your country? 

To be honest, embracing National Leftover Day is as easy as reheating your favorite holiday leftovers and nibbling on them in front of the TV, or around the table with your loved ones. Follow in the footsteps of Australia and the UK by making a conscious effort to minimize food waste, saving both money and the planet, one delicious leftover at a time.