5 Fruits to Quench Your Thirst This Summer

Delicious, refreshing strawberries
Photo by Maksim Shutov on Unsplash

Staying hydrated in the summer is tough, especially if you don’t like drinking water. But drinking water isn’t the only way to get water. You’ll be surprised how much water is in fruits, and summer’s the perfect time to load up on fruits as there are tons of delicious seasonal options. Here are five that will keep you feeling refreshed.


Water is literally in the name of watermelon so it should come as no surprise that watermelon is loaded with it. In fact, it’s 92% water! Did you need more reasons to pack watermelon for your picnic?


Strawberries have almost as much water and watermelon. They’re loaded with 91% of it. Enjoy strawberries in your yogurt, smoothies, and salads.


If you love melons, you’ll be glad to know that cantaloupe is made of 90% water. Our favorite way to eat is for breakfast with cottage cheese.


No wonder oranges are so refreshing—they’re made of 87% water. Oranges are a great grab-and-go snack when you’re leading a busy lifestyle.


We saved the best for last—pineapple. This tropical fruit is made of 86% water and it’s a delicious addition to sweet and savory meals.