What’s Biodynamic Wine?

Glasses of wine
Photo by Kelsey Knight on Unsplash

What in the world is biodynamic wine? Sounds interesting—doesn’t it? Well, biodynamic wine is super trendy and it’s sustainable, but is it tastier than other wines? Here’s what you should know about this new wine taking over the beverage industry.

What’s Biodynamic Farming?

Biodynamic farming is one of the strictest farming styles—it’s about viewing the vineyard as a living organism. It includes all aspects of the vineyard—the animals, soil, fields, and even the pests. When there are pests, instead of using herbicides and pesticides, farmers take care of them naturally.

How Does it Differ From Organic Farming?

Biodynamic farming is similar to organic farming, but it doesn’t use additives. It also takes organic farming a step further by incorporating the lunar cycle. All tasks on the vineyard are planned around the lunar calendar.

Does Biodynamic Wine Taste Better?

In regards to taste, you won’t notice any difference. Biodynamic winemakers pride themselves on making pure wines, but there isn’t a different taste. However, with biodynamic wines, the farmers care about what goes into each bottle because they’re putting lots of time and effort into caring for their vineyard.