5 Ideas for Healthy Snacking

Most of us would be happy eating healthy food, but the problem is, we also love snacking. In order to try and combine these two desires, we came up with five ideas for nice snacks that are also good for you.


Nuts are really good for the human body. They help to prevent different diseases including cancer and heart-related ones. They are also very filling which helps you from being tempted to snack on some less notorious options.

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One of the best things me and my husband like to munch upon is nuts and trail mixes. We carry it to work and even on our travels. Initially we used to rely upon the store bought nuts trail mixes, but I realized that contains more carbohydrates than we actually need and more sugar and salt ratio, leading to excess consumption. A healthy salt to sugar ratio is important. So I started making my own trial mixes at home. Different combinations give us good taste and variety as well. . There aren't any strict rules to make your own trail mix. The best part is you can assemble it with pretty much any ingredients you like! I make mine with superfood, protein-packed, heart and brain healthy nuts and a bit of dried fruits and chocolate chips or other goodies to add flavor and texture and keep things interesting. Dried fruit provides a healthy source of carbohydrates, fibre, and micronutrients. Nuts provide a source of heart-healthy fats and protein. The proportions are important (more of the healthy stuff, less of the goodies), and of course you can modify the ratios according to your liking. 🌿 This batch I made with oven roasted whole nuts including almonds, peanuts, cashew, hazelnut. Some toasted coconut flakes and some dehydrated cranberries, pineapple and papaya. For quick recipe: Add 1/4 tsp salt with 1 tbsp water. Toss all the nuts (approx 750 gms mixed nuts) in the salt water except peanuts (as different nuts will take different amounts of time. to toast). Put in the oven and bake for 10-12 mins at 160°C. Let it cool down completely, add the coconut flakes and dehydrated fruits, toss well and store in an airtight container. . . . #nuts #nutshot #healthynuts #trailmix #trailmixes #hearthealthy #hearthealth #goodfats #healthyfats #healthyfat #homemade #healthymunchies #healthynibbles #klfoodie #indianfoodie #tastyandhealthy #vegan #glutenfree #lowcarb #keto #ketodiet #lowcarblife #nutsandseeds #munchies #nutsmix

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Cherry Tomatoes with Baby Mozzarella

This is the easiest snack to make. Just wash some tomatoes and add some baby mozzarella that you can find in any supermarket and you have a nice combination of vitamins and protein.


Edamame is actually unripened soybeans and they are great for you. They are very rich in antioxidants and minerals and they are just fun to snack on. Just warm them up in water and enjoy.

Pear with Ricotta Cheese

Cut up fine slices of pear and match them with this low-fat cheese. The result is just amazing—the sweetness of the pear is mixed with the tender taste of the ricotta.

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Я продолжаю участвовать во флешмобе Дарьи @zhabcka #zhabcka_alphabet и у меня блюдо на букву «Г» – Груши с рикоттой 😋 Вкусный и полезный завтрак-десерт по рецепту Наташи @cakes_krasnodar 💫 Ингредиенты: Груши – 2 шт. Рикотта – 300 г Сахар тростниковый – 4 ч.л. Фундук – 2 ст.л. Мёд – 2 ч.л. Приготовление: Груши разрезать вдоль. Отложить две половинки, а две другие нарезать кубиками. Выложить все груши на противень застеленный фольгой, посыпать тростниковым сахаром и запечь в предварительно разогретой до 170 градусов духовке до карамельной корочки (кубики примерно 5 мин., половинки – 15 мин., но ориентируйтесь по своей духовке). Фундук обжарьте на сухой сковороде 2 минуты. Смешайте рикотту с кубиками груши и орешками. Выложите в две пиалы. Сверху положите половинки груш и полейте медом. . . #люблюготовить #десерт #завтрак #рикотта #груши #грушисрикоттой #надым #фудфото #foodphotography #foodphoto #nadym #nadymfood #dessert #pear #ricotta #pearricotta

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Baby Carrots

In most supermarkets, you can find them already peeled and washed and just ready to eat. They are a great solution when you want to have a bit of a crunch. Dip them in cottage cheese for extra pleasure.

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Snack Ideas #babycarrots #babycucumbers #hummus

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