5 Perks of Eating Natural Greek Yogurt

Photo by amirali mirhashemian on Unsplash

Natural Greek yogurt is one of the best foods to have in your fridge. Not only does it tastes great, but it’s also linked to a whole host of health benefits. There are a handful of reasons it’s one of the trendiest foods on the market, and here are five of them.

Healthy Gut

Natural Greek yogurt is full of friendly bacteria known as probiotics. These help fight bad bacteria in your body and promote digestive health. As well as helping you physically, this can really help improve your mood as well.


But Greek yogurt isn’t just good for your digestive system—it’s good for the rest of your body too. It’s rich in calcium and protein, as well as many other vitamins and minerals. These help your body grow strong and boost your immune system.

Sweet Dishes

The slightly sour taste of natural Greek yogurt is the perfect complement to sweet flavors. Some of the best natural yogurt dishes have honey, fruits, or chocolate.

Savory Dishes

Greek yogurt also goes very nicely with more savory dishes such as curries and salads. Natural yogurt is a great complement to spicy dishes as it provides a beautiful soothing counterbalance.

It’s Refreshing

There are few things as refreshing as natural Greek yogurt. The combination of the thick, creamy texture and the neutral flavor will really cleanse your palate.