5 Surprising Vegan Substitutes

Being vegan doesn’t have to mean sticking to a bland diet of fruit and vegetables. These days, there are many more options. There are vegan substitutes for many old classics that have been designed to taste as good as their animal-product counterparts. Here are five delicious vegan substitutes you should know about.

Vegan Mayonnaise

Yes, that’s right. You can now eat quality mayonnaise that’s vegan friendly. No eggs, all plant-based. Beautiful.

Egg Replacer

There are two kinds of products here. The first is egg replacer for baking. This binds your dough or cake mixture in the same way as egg and provides the same kind of flavor to the finished product. The second is an egg replacement made of mung beans that you can fry, put in sandwiches, and generally use instead of regular eggs.

Plant-Based Butter

You can now buy quality butter without the dairy. Made from vegetable oils and plant-based syrups, these plant-based butters are divine on toast, in baking, or in a sandwich.

Meat Substitute

There are many meat substitutes out there now. You can eat vegan mincemeat, burgers, ham, chicken, turkey, and shrimp. While it’s not quite the same as real meat, it has its own charm that in some ways surpasses the real deal.


You can now buy vegan chocolate that tastes heavenly. Made from vegetable oils, sugar, cocoa and coconut, soy or oat milk, good vegan chocolate tastes no different from the original.