Benefits of Eating Seasonal Fruits

Photo by Jane Doan on Pexels

It’s only in recent years with the more developed global infrastructure and trade that we can access many fruits year-round. Prior to these developments, people would eat what was growing on their farms and gardens season by season. And although the economic developments are great, there are still some key benefits to following nature’s menu. 

Fresher and Tastier

First of all, when you eat seasonal fruit, you’ll notice a difference in taste. Fruits that are picked before they are ripe and then transported long distances may not develop the same full flavor as those picked locally and at the right time. A shorter time between harvest and when it reaches your table is a definite plus for flavor. 


Seasonal fruits are almost always cheaper because there is so much of the fruit during its peak seasons. So if you’re trying to figure out what fruit is in season, take a look at the price tag. Chances are that the cheaper options are in season. 


Finally, buying fruits that are in season can push you to be more creative. This month is grapes, next month it’s grapefruit. How can you use the fruits as they come into your diet season by season? A fun challenge.