Common Mistakes You’re Making With Your Scrambled Eggs

Scrambled eggs
Photo by Ana Azevedo on Unsplash

Scrambled eggs are an ever popular breakfast and brunch option, but they can easily turn out rubbery and tasteless, or even underdone. Getting the consistency perfect does take practice, but there are some tips and tricks that can make it easier. Check out this guide on how to avoid common mistakes, so that your scrambled eggs are as irresistible as possible.

Melt The Butter

Whether you’re using butter, oil, or another form of fat to cook the eggs in, make sure it’s liquid and heated through before you add the eggs to the pan. This will help the eggs to combine with the fat, leading to a silkier, smoother texture.

Whisk Well

Whilst you don’t need to over whisk the eggs, under whisking means the eggs won’t be light and fluffy which is what many people are wanting from their scrambled eggs. Beat well for at least a minute, and add any seasonings such as salt and pepper as you whisk. 

Low And Slow

For best results, cook the eggs over a low heat, drawing the egg from the side of the pan back into the centre with a spatula or spoon. It may take a while for them to cook through, but the low and slow method will result in superior taste and texture.

Try these tips and see the difference it can make to your scrambled eggs, next time you’re preparing breakfast or brunch.