Food You Shouldn’t Cook in an Air Fryer

Air fryer
Image via halocraft/Depositphotos

Given its convenience, versatility, and ease of use, it comes as no surprise that air fryers have become so popular in recent years. Still, not every kind of food is appropriate to cook using these appliances. Here are foods that you should avoid cooking in your air fryer.

Battered Foods

While air fryers are capable of cooking most items, greasy, battered foods such as shrimp tempura and fried chicken can be problematic. This is because they are greasy and often drip, potentially damaging your machine.

Leafy Vegetables

From spinach to kale, bok choy, and cauliflower, leafy vegetables are a no-go when it comes to air fryer cooking. This is because the speed at which the air in the machine blows causes them to heat unevenly. Rather resort to other cooking methods for these healthy treats.

Cheesy Food

Whether it’s mac and cheese or potatoes au gratin, cheesy food can melt and get stuck in the crevices of your air fryer, making it difficult to clean.