Fun and Healthy Alternatives to Fizzy Drinks

Photo by Maddi Bazzocco on Unsplash

Fizzy drinks can be a hard habit to crack, but what if there was an easy way to avoid them? A way where you wouldn’t have to give up on tasty drinks, but just substitute the soda for healthy ones? Here are four fun alternatives to fizzy drinks that will leave you refreshed and energized.

Coconut Water

A favorite among personal trainers and nutritionists, coconut water is often referred to as “nature’s sports drink”. This is because it’s packed full of energy and electrolytes. Not only is it healthy, but it tastes great too!

Iced Herbal Tea

Brew up your favorite herbal tea and leave it to cool. Personal favorites include lavender and chamomile. Once cooled, add it to still chilled mineral water and serve.

Fruit Water

A great alternative to fizzy drinks is fruit-infused water. To do this, simply add some fruit slices to a glass of water and leave it to blend. You can experiment with different fruits to see which suits you best, but common favorites include strawberry, orange, and lemon.

Fruit Juice and Soda Water

This simple trick lets you feel like your drinking fizzy drinks, but with much more nutrients and healthy sugars. Fill a third of a glass with fruit juice such as orange or apple juice. Then, fill the rest of the glass with soda water.