Have You Considered Saving Pasta Water?

Photo by Marek Piwnicki on Unsplash

Did you know that pasta water is a great secret ingredient you’re just throwing away? Here’s why you should consider saving it the next time you cook pasta. After you read this, you’ll see how it can actually help you with preparing pasta sauce.

Why It’s Helpful

Pasta water is the water in which you boiled pasta and it’s starchy and salty. It may not look like the most attractive thing, but it can help you a lot later on in the process. Thanks to all the starch preserved in the water, your sauce will be perfectly thick and the salt from the pasta water will give it plenty of flavor.

Transform Your Pasta Sauce

The next time you make pasta, try this trick and discover the new dimension it adds to the flavor of the sauce. Your pasta will never be the same and you won’t use regular water for making pasta sauces again. We love when such a simple trick can help us cook something flavorful, and it really can’t get easier than this! Don’t let that delicious pasta water go down the drain ever again.